Friday, November 13, 2009

Enough is never enough!

Last evening I finished the 15th book pocket. After a delightful phone visit with my sister, Margaret, I learn that it is ok to go only to 24 since the 25th of December is Christmas and the count down is over. Armed with that information, I was revived up and ready to go.

After finishing the pocket, I pulled the remaining books close to see which one would go best with fabric from my stash. The possibilities were endless and before I know it - its 12:30 a.m. and I am no where near ready for bed.

Today, over my lunch, I went clothesline shopping. The Country Sampler was just what my tired body needed. Sadly, they didn't have but one bundle of clothesline but I made up for it in the fabric selections.

This evening, when I SHOULD be cleaning before the weekend starts, I plan on sewing, sewing and sewing some more! As soon as I figure out my new digital camera, I will post pictures of the book pockets that are finished and what the process looks like.

Count down until December 1st ~ 17 days - pockets remaining ~ 9.

Stitch yourself something comfy - winter is coming!

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