Monday, October 26, 2009

I did it!

Two major things happened this weekend. I let Katie cut my hair SHORT! and I cleaned up and rearranged my sewing area. I now have my area staged with projects and organized for short bursts of sewing times.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Planning stage ...

With approximately 8 months until the 2010 quilt show, my planning time is getting shorter by the day. This year's theme is intriguing. "Spoken without a word - the message within the quilt." So many possibilities that would express the poignancy of the theme. I have always believed that a picture is worth a thousand words and quilts can be that -- a snapshot of the artist's thoughts. Every quilt I have ever made starts from a emotion. The emotion dictates the direction I go with the color and pattern. Throughout this past year, through the offering of classes from the Omaha Quilt Guild, I have learned techniques that enhance the options I have in mind for my quilt entry.

My planning board right now is a hodge podge of jumbled thoughts and ideas waiting for that one burst of insight- that unspoken message - that will tell me what my quilt for 2010 wants to say. Right now the message is garbled. Keep checking back to see if I had to get a translator on board or if by sitting quietly studying the board my heart allows my ears to hear the unspoken word.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Stitched with love, given in friendship, cherished forever ...

Kathy Coleman stitched together a fat quarter baby quilt after spending the weekend with my daughter and granddaughter. The beautiful pinks and the exquisite stitching create an incredibly lovely quilt. As you can see by the expression on my beautiful granddaughter's face, its a comfortable, comforting, cozy quilt. Thank you, Kathy, for giving my grandbaby a keepsake as well as a security blanket that will go the distance a baby can carry it.

Friday's are for planning ...

On Friday mornings I like to think about how many of my projects are going to see some work done on them over the weekend. I have recently noticed my projects list getting longer and the progress of completing getting slower. It must be the season as I seem to be gathering fabric and thread and storing away for the long winter months.

My sewing area is in dire need of a clean up and put away session. Getting ready for the annual Elgin Craft Fair (always held the first Saturday in October) in Elgin, Nebraska has everything in disarray. It was a very successful craft fair. I made fabric baskets from the Its a Wrap book as demonstrated by June Vogltance (Vogies in Dodge). I love the technique and find the process to be very rewarding. It was hard to see my baskets leave the booth. :0) Mark you calendar for October 2, 2010 and google your trip to Elgin, Nebraska. You will enjoy the trip!

If you are planning a road trip to Kansas City soon, add Prairie Points Quilt Shop to your itinerary and you wont' be disappointed. Linda Potter was the Omaha Quilt Guilds guest speaker this month. Her technique for handquilting was so interesting I wanted the book and had to show my sister, Margaret, what was going to revolutionize my handquilting. Google Prairie Points and Linda Potter. You won't be disappointed! Prairie Point Quilt Shop is located at 7341 Quivira Road in Shawnee, Kansas.

Enjoy the day!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Didn't Make a Dent Quilt 2009

2009 Quilt Show entry. 3" log cabin blocks (over 10,000 pieces of fabric from my stash) and I didn't make a dent.