Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doors, both open and closed, are a part of life.

The first door was near a little garden. You could tell in this area that the season was fall and the growing season was ending. Then, a few yards further down the way, the closed door at the end of the arbor was caught in the sunlight and shadows. This part of the garden was also being visited by a little girl with her parents. You could tell by the size of the mother that the little girl was soon going to be a big sister and the parents where letting her enjoy the afternoon of being the one and only. Her laughter and playing with her dad filled the arbor with so much life. Made me think of my daughter and her countdown to baby two's arrival and the energy she is being surrounded by from her first daughter. I can't wait to bring Lucy to the garden so she can wonder and wander and giggle and laugh and touch and smell the beautiful flowers.

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