Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doors, both open and closed, are a part of life.

The first door was near a little garden. You could tell in this area that the season was fall and the growing season was ending. Then, a few yards further down the way, the closed door at the end of the arbor was caught in the sunlight and shadows. This part of the garden was also being visited by a little girl with her parents. You could tell by the size of the mother that the little girl was soon going to be a big sister and the parents where letting her enjoy the afternoon of being the one and only. Her laughter and playing with her dad filled the arbor with so much life. Made me think of my daughter and her countdown to baby two's arrival and the energy she is being surrounded by from her first daughter. I can't wait to bring Lucy to the garden so she can wonder and wander and giggle and laugh and touch and smell the beautiful flowers.


This lovely lady was standing in a grove of trees serenely waiting for me to stop and sit on the stone bench and enjoy her peaceful world. I went for a walk in the garden to find inspiration for the floral project I am working on that merges yo-yos and wrapped cord.

Quilts in the garden - next weekend at Omaha's Botanical Gardens

Today I explored Omaha's Botanical Gardens - Laurtizen's Gardens - in anticipation of next weekend's big quilting event. I took a picture of the beautiful quilt being raffled at the garden. It was my first walk through the gardens but most definitely will not be the last time I visit. The walk on the trails and the unexpected surprises around each corner made me happy. The next time I go, I am taking my sketch pad and revisiting a beautiful terra cotta statute entitled Spring. The English garden and the water garden were my favorites. The afternoon was filled with soul-food. Hope to see you there next weekend.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pieces of me ...

The right-side picture is a good shot of what the pieces look like before them become the character. Each snowbowl has a character 'inside' him so I just watch to see what personality trait is the most evident. That is the part I love the best.

Terri's snowballs

Meet the guys I spent the day with today. I turned the snow bowls last night and left the fun stuff for today. Using bits of yarn and pom poms I started making the stocking hats. Same principle as the the snowbowl but instead of going in circles I "stacked" the fabric-covered cord forming the cap as I went. The eyelash yarn gave the cap a sense if whimsy.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Herby heads to his new home....

The flash caught the white and makes him look startled. Either that or he saw the box I plan on shipping him in. So far, during his short life in my sewing room, he has had free range. He perches on my antique sewing machine in front of the window and watches the squirrels play outside. This has been one truly spoiled snowman. Before he leaves my home for Helen's, I believe I need to give him a nose job. Either way, I promised him I would give him a few air holes and a good book to read on his trip. I christened him Herby (in honor of the Nebraska Football Team's masket) then learned they lost today. Drats!

Pieces of Me

Helen's Snowman is finally finished and ready for his journey to her home. Tonight, I wrapped the cord for the six snowbowls heading to Texas and tomorrow will finish up the three snowbowls heading to the nice ladies at my doctor's office.
At the Guild meeting on Tuesday night, I offered to teach basketmaking at the Lauritzen Garden's event on November 14th. That has motivated me to wrap up what I have on my to-do list so I can focus on getting ready for the Garden Event.
My sewing room has been rearranged and my organizational efforts are coming together. I am always amazed at the amount of fabric I have and the limited amount of time I have to work with it.
As I write this, I have a lady bug crawling around my desktop. I believe ladybugs are an indication of good luck when found in the home. I am hoping there is more fact than myth to that. More about my life-changing events later. This weekend is all about creating and enjoying the process.
Take care,